Centro Pilates Ama Te in Vicenza

Surrounded by the peace of Monteviale, a comfortable location with wide parking, our historical seat is one of the first centres which have opened in Italy and which apply the original Joseph Pilates’ method.
Since 2005 Centro Pilates Ama Te is the place from which start a journey of research of physical and psychological well-being.

Ingresso del Centro Pilates Ama Te a Vicenza

In order to approach the concept of mens sana in corpore sano, we created a variety of different possibilities. Thanks to the competences of our team and to the constant refresh courses, we offer lessons of Pilates, Gyrotonic and Bioginnastica.

We have an idea of total well-being which comprehends a program consistent with all the different needs, from the recovering of the physical form after a pregnancy, to the recover after an accident or to acquire a better consciousness of the body.

We have the availability of the following machinery for our activities:

Piccoli attrezzi

  • Rollers
  • Fitball
  • Softball
  • Magic Circle
  • Bosu
  • Bande elastiche
  • Orbit

Contact Us

Reserve a free meeting in Vicenza to explain us your personal exigencies.


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Barbara Meliti

What is Pilates? Nowadays we can see it in many different varieties. Unfortunately, I might add.
When I started studying it, at first, in 1999, I approached it mainly for curiosity. With a past in the world of dance, I was looking for a discipline which gives flexibility, force and tonicity, which would be feelings similar to dance.

Day by day, through study and constant practice, I realised that Pilates is not so an holistic discipline, as it is sometimes defined. Pilates is a real harmonious physical activity, a new method of doing gymnastics, being constantly in contact with your body, your mind, and each time it is a new challenge. Pilates deals with posture, but it is not postural gymnastic. Tonification, as we constantly repeat, is a collateral effect.

Foto di Barbara Meliti

Doing Pilates you realise how you collocate in the space, you start feel yourself, to keep consciousness of your muscles, your pains and you know that it is exactly from there that you have to start. Our body speaks to us constantly; it is up to us to be able to listen to it. What we would like to transmit is not the history of J.H.Pilates (that everybody know), but how advanced was his thought and his discoveries and what we try to maintain with our studies and schools. We want to tell you how Pilates really was and is, with love, passion and dedication in the care of the person.